Thad’s World Destruction


Thad’s World Destruction is a Heaven Sent Gaming original series, the first part of the series is an English language webcomic called Thad’s World Destruction: Before Destruction, which is then followed up by its current entry a Japanese language web manga called サワデ.

The story for the TWD series centers around a prophesy, surrounding three super-powered boys and two secret agents in Albuquerque, New Mexico. While the story is a pseudo-autobiographical story the events, characters, and locations have been heavily fictionalized.

The Japanese language publication represents the first professionally produced Japanese language manga in the United States, for specifically a Japanese audience. There are no current plans to publish the manga in English.


Main Characters

other characters

Other characters:

  • The Bum
  • Jon
  • Thad
  • Nana
  • Grandpa
  • Holy


Planet: Earth

  • The Albuquerque Metropolitan Area
    • Albuquerque: Isabel’s house, Kevin’s house, and Mario’s house
    • Corrales: AVS
    • Rio Rancho: Byron’s house


Species: homo sapien, felis catus.


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