Heaven Sent Gaming
Heaven Sent Gaming is built on the love and faith of Mario & Isabel Lucero, from Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. High school sweethearts from Sandia View Academy in Corrales since 2004, Isabel is the lead artist and Mario is the lead designer. The vast majority of our art is drawn by Isabel, and Mario is the writer, they express their joy through their creative talents. HSG was first named during a silly conversation, about creating video games together, during a peaceful 2006 birthday celebration for Mario’s nana Antonia “Toni” Lucero, at the former Feast Buffet at Santa Ana Star Casino.
Contact |
Established | JUNE 15th, 2006 |
Intellectual Property |
Motto | “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” – 1 Corinthians 9:25 (NIV) |
- [email protected]
STE B-1 PMB #317
ALBUQUERQUE, NM, USA 87114-7015 - 1 (505) 336-0474
Established: JUNE 15th, 2006
Intellectual Property:
- Heaven Sent Gaming universe media franchise
- NuMé Foods
- aywv.art and entertainment revue
- New Mexico Cultural Encyclopedia & Lexicon
Motto: “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.” – 1 Corinthians 9:25
Heaven Sent Gaming is entirely independent. All of our publications, including aywv and the New Mexico Cultural Encyclopedia & Lexicon, adhere to professional standards such as those set forth by Purdue OWL and SPJ Code of Ethics.
You may freely cite our content for educational and journalistic use, as long as you give attribution with a link to Heaven Sent Gaming or link to the publication you found it in for citation. For other uses, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 should be a good rule of thumb, please contact us if you’d like further info or usage beyond that scope, such as licensing our characters or other aspects of our ficitional universe.
Due to our team’s small size, we cannot respond to all inquiries. For our fiction: We cannot accept unsolicited manuscripts, because we don’t have a dedicated team to go through any of them, also we proudly produce all of our fiction content in-house. For our non-fiction: We have high values for our ethics and we have strict publishing guidelines, but we always protect the identities of anonymous information sources, so we verify information with multiple sources. Please feel free to reach out to us for corrections or comments for any of our publications, if ever, we will publish and highlight corrections or retractions. We have never, and will never, pay for articles or mentions in third party publications; when we do publish or get published on third party publications, we do so in an honest industry-standard manner. We don’t publish freelance articles on our websites, because we do not have a commissioning editor at the moment. We do not pay third party sources for information, so that way we can ensure that our sources are independent. Our websites are archived on the Internet Archive.
Our websites proudly use WordPress themes from ILOVEWP, Pagelines, and DAHZ. In the past we welcomed sponsorship ad-space, and used AdSense, however it went largely unused so we switched to the defunct Project Wonderful, and used to also use Comicad Network. To fill our empty ad space we had added links to charity organizations and former music artists since we had no sponsors; we continue to respect and support the research at Alzheimer’s Disease International, the work of One Laptop per Child, and our dear friends at Life Never Lost.
While our studio is indeed a part of the Christian genre, fortified with our founders’ faith in Jesus Christ, fruit of the Holy Spirit, God’s blessing, and the Holy Bible. We are not a religious broadcasting or a registered FBO, as we aren’t affiliated with any paricular religious institutions or denominations. Our founders work has the Gospel message at its core with faith, redemption, hope, and love in Jesus for the world, as set forth in the Great Commission to bring the Good News to all nations. Embracing the principles of free speech and expression, we warmly welcome creative talents from all walks of life, crafting content for audiences of diverse beliefs to enjoy.